Please see CFP below
18th SEAPAVAA Conference: “AV Archives: Why They Matter”
Lao Department of Cinema Vientiane, Laos, 26 – 30 May 2014
The nature, purpose and potential use of AV archives and the great cultural value and memories which these archives hold for nations and their peoples are not widely understood or properly appreciated.
The theme for the 18th SEAPAVAA Conference “AV Archives: Why They Matter” seeks to explore and discuss the myriad of issues listed below, during the two-day Symposium on 26 and 27 May 2014.
In what ways do AV archives matter? To whom and for whom do these archives matter? Do the importance and relevance of AV archives cross national boundaries? If AV archives matter, what must archivists do in terms of their advocacy and branding, engagement with stakeholders, community outreach, provision of access, appraisal, selection, acquisition, documentation and preservation? What resources, opportunities and inspirations are there for archivists to tap on and propel them to garner greater recognition for AV archives and the archiving profession? What challenges do archivists face in their endeavours? How are these challenges being addressed?
Topics of interest for the Symposium include, but are not limited to:
• Archives Advocacy and Branding
• Stakeholders’ Engagement and Community Outreach
• Archives and National / Regional / World Memory
• Repatriation of Archival Materials
• Oral History
• Home Movies and Amateur Films
• Copyright
• Organisational and Ethical Issues
• Collection Development and Digital Curation
• Description and Discovery of Audiovisual Resources
• Digitisation and Digital Preservation
SEAPAVAA invites submission of contributions from members and interested participants on any of the above topics as per the schedule below.
• Submit your proposal in English as a MS Word file via e-mail by 14 February 2014.
• The proposal should include:
• Title of proposed paper
• Abstract of maximum of 250 words
• Name and Institution (where applicable) of Proposer(s)
SEAPAVAA will review all submitted proposals and will notify you in writing by 24 February 2014 should your proposal be selected. Full papers (maximum 20 pages / double spaced) for the selected proposals and brief bio-data of the Author(s) / Presenter(s) are to be submitted by 14 May 2014. Presenters will have 30 minutes to deliver the summary of their paper in English during the Symposium. The full written paper is not to be read. Please note that travel expenses, accommodation and subsistence of attending the 18th SEAPAVAA Conference are the full responsibility of the Presenter(s) of accepted proposals. All attendees, including Presenter(s), are required to register and pay the full conference registration fee.
Please contact the following persons to submit proposals or if you have queries on conference matters:
Adrian Wood:
Irene Lim:
Karen Chan:
SEAPAVAA Secretariat:
The 18th SEAPAVAA Conference and General Assembly is hosted by the Lao Department of Cinema. The charming and hospitable Laos capital of Vientiane will enchant you and promises to add to the definitive warmth that the annual conferences of SEAPAVAA are known for. Expand your networks, and meet and bond with fellow professionals and institutions in the archiving field. Look out for the conference registration form on the SEAPAVAA website (
The Conference has a host of other events including:
• Symposium on 26 and 27 May 2014
• Archival Gems Screening on 28 May 2014
• Trade Exhibition from 26 to 29 May 2014
• Institutional Visits on 30 May 2014
• Excursion on 30 May 2014
• Workshops on 31 May and 1 June 2014
• 18th SEAPAVAA General Assembly for Members on 28 and 29 May 2014